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Ph.D. Adam BODNAR Commissioner for Human Rights, Republic of Poland, Warsaw


 He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw and from LL.M. programme in the field of comparative constitutional law at Central European University in Budapest.
2006 PhD in constitutional law, University of
2004-2015 Member, Helsinki Foundation of Human Rights. Functions: co-founder, co-ordinator, Precedent Cases programme; Head of legal department and vice-president, Management Board of prof. Zbigniew Holda Association
2013-2014 Member of the Board of Directors, United Nations Fund for Victims of Torture
2001-2004 Lawyer, Weil, Gotshal & Managers
since 2006 Lecturer, Law and Administration Faculty, University of Warsaw
 Active collaborator with many non-governmental organizations since the beginning of academic career and legal professional duties.


Obywatelstwo wielopoziomowe. Status jednostki w europejskiej przestrzeni konstytucyjnej (Multi-level society. The status of an individual in the constitutional sphere), Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Warsaw 2008
Editing: Przekonania moralne władzy publicznej a wolnosc jednostki, (Moral beliefs of the public power and the freedom of an individual), Warsaw 2008 (along with Prof. Mirosław Wyrzykowski)
A. Bodnar, E. Letowska, Ochrona wlasnosci w Polsce w swietle orzecznictwa Trybunalu Konstytucyjnego oraz Europejskiego Trybunalu Praw Czlowieka; Organizacje skrajne w orzecznictwie sadow polskich oraz Europejskiego Trybunalu Praw Czlowieka (Extreme organizations in the judicature of the Polish courts and the European Court of Human Rights), Stowarzyszenie Otwarta Rzeczpospolita, Warsaw 2013


Tolerance Prize, Polish LGBT organizations, 2011
German Marshall Memorial Fellowship programme, 2013