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Ph.D. Ahmet EVIN Founding Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul; Senior Fellow, Transatlantic Academy, Washington, D.C.


1966 B.A. Columbia University
1971-1972 Lecturer, New York University
1972-1973 Taught at Harvard University
1973 Ph.D. Columbia University
1973-1974 Fellow, Harvard University
1974-1976 Taught at Hacettepe University, Ankara
1977-1986 Taught at the University of Pennsylvania
1983-1986 Director, Middle East Center, University of Pennsylvania
1985-1986 Professor, University of Hamburg
1986-1992 Director of Education, Aga Khan Trust for Culture, Paris and Geneva
1992-1993 Head, Ankara Corporate Affairs Office, Philip Morris International
1994-1995 Visiting Professor, University of Hamburg
1994 Initiated a policy dialogue on the future European architecture, Turkey s place in that architecture, EU enlargement, and the effects of the customs union agreement with Turkey. Based on that initiative he established, in cooperation with a broad network of European research institutes and universities, Turkey s EU Membership Observatory now based at the Istanbul Policy Center at Sabanci University
1995-1997 Professor of Political Science, Bilkent, Ankara (also headed 1995-96 the Department of Political Science and Public Administration)
since 2007 Senior Faculty, Arts and Social Sciences, Sabanci University
1997-2001 Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul
2001 Founding and Executive Board Member of the Istanbul Policy Center
2004 Visiting Professor, Northwestern University
2004-2005 Alexander Onassis senior fellow and visiting scholar at ELIAMEP: the Hellenic Foundation for European Foreign Policy, Athens
since 2009 Senior Fellow, Transatlantic Academy, Washington. D.C.


Member, MESA: Middle East Studies Association of North America, 1968
Member of Deutsches Orient- Institut Research Team, Project on Turkey's Relations with the European Community and Contributor, "Turkey and the European Community: Summary Report". Project sponsored by the Thyssen Foundation and carried out in collaboration with Deutsches Orient- Institut (Hamburg), Institut für Europäische Politik (Bonn), Federal Trust (London), Instituto Affari Internazionali (Rome), Turkish Foreign Policy Institute (Ankara) 1982-84.
Project Director, "Elites, Bureaucratic Culture and Decision-Making in Turkey", Deutsches Orient- Institut (Hamburg) and Stiftung Volkswagenwerk, 1985.
Professorial affiliate, Deutsches Orient Institut (Hamburg), directed sponsored research projects and Euro-Turkish Dialogue 1986-1991 and 1994-1995.
Founding member: TESEV - Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation
Advisory Board, IEMed - The European Institute of the Mediterranean
Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Southeastern European and Black Sea Studies


State, Democracy and Military: Turkey in the 1980s (edited with Metin Heper, Walter de Gruyter and Co, 1988
Turkey and the European Community (edited with Geoffrey Denton), Hamburg, Schriften des Deutschen Orient-Instituts, Leske Verlag und Budrich, 1990
Politics in the Third Turkish Republic: A Case Study in Transition to Democracy (edited with Metin Heper), Westview Press, 1994
Towards Accession Negotiations: Turkey s Domestic and Foreign Policy Challenges Ahead (edited with Natalie Tocci), Florence, European University Institute, 2004
Modern Turkish Architecture (edited with Renata Holod), University of Pennsylvania Press, 1984; second edition, 2005