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Alain PILETTE Deputy Director, Council of the European Union; Directorate-General, Justice and Home Affairs, Directorate 2 Justice, Brussels


1989 Robert Schuman Scholarship, European Parliament, Brussels
1989-1990 Trainee, European Commission, Brussels
1990-1995 Attorney at Law, Brussels Bar, Brussels
1995-1997 Legal Adviser, Air transport IT and Communications, SITA, Genf
1997-2000 Administator, Legal Affairs Committee, European Parliament, Brussels
2000-2002 Legal Adviser, Council of the European Union, Brussels
2002-2003 Member of the Secretariat, The European Convention, Brussels
2003-2005 Legal Adviser Administration, Council of the European Union, Brussels
2005-2016 Head, Legal Adviser Administration Unit, Council of the European Union, Brussels
2016-2017 Head of Unit, DG D 2A, Judicial cooperation in civil matters and e-justice, Council of the European Union, Brussels
since 2018 Deputy Director, DG JAI, Justice, Council of the European Union, Brussels


Genesis and Destiny of the European Constitution, collective book, Bruylant 2007