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Alberto ALEMANNO Co-Founder and Director, The Good Lobby; Jean Monnet Professor, HEC Paris


 Alberto Alemanno is an academic, civic advocate and social entrepreneur. He is currently Jean Monnet Professor at HEC Paris and Global Clinical Professor at New York University School of Law. Due to his commitment to bridge the gap between academic research and policy action, Alberto established eLabEurope, a start up committed to improve civic literacy, engagement and participation by lobbying in the public interest.
 If half of success in life is about showing up, Alberto wants to make sure that everyone has a seat at the table.
 His MOOC - Understanding Europe - available on Coursera has already trained more than 100.000 citizens about how to protect their rights in the EU. The EU Public Interest Clinic enables every year dozens of students to provide pro bono advice to non-profit organisations active in policymaking across Europe, such as Transparency International, Wikimedia and Access Info Europe.
 Alberto recently launched The Good Lobby, the first skill-sharing advocacy platform aimed at connecting people with expertise with civil society organizations who need them in pursuit of the public interest.
 Originally from Italy, Alberto is a graduate of Harvard Law School, the College of Europe and holds a PhD from Bocconi University. He regularly publishes Op-Eds in Le Monde, the Huffington Post, IlSole24Ore and his work has been featured in The Economist, The Financial Times, Science and Nature.
 The World Economic Forum named Alberto Young Global Leader in 2015.