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Dr. Alexander KLAUSER Attorney-at-Law; Founding partner, Head, Practice Group Dispute Resolution and Insolvency & Restructuring, Brauneis Klauser Prändl, Vienna


1978-1985 Air Force Officer, Austrian Armed Forces
1983 Dr. iur., University of Vienna, Austria
1985-1989 Lawyer/Associate
1989-1990 Intern, European Commission/DG IV, Brussels
1990 University of the Pacific/McGeorge School of Law, Sacramento, Ca.(Diploma in Advanced International Legal Studies
1990-1993 Attorney-at-law, Vienna, self-employed
1994-1998 Partner, Willheim Klauser Prändl, Attorneys-at-law, Vienna
since 1998 Partner, Brauneis Klauser Prändl, Attorneys-at-law, Vienna, Head of the Litigation and Insolvency Department
2007-2008 Member of the Working Group of the Austrian Justice Ministry on Collective Redress
since 2016 Member of the Working Group of the Austrian Justice Ministry on Collective Redress


Austrian Bar
Insolvency Section, International Bar Association, IBA
International Insolvency Institute


Fucik/Klauser/Kloiber: ZPO, 12th edition, 2015
Keiler/Klauser (ed.), Österreichisches und Europäisches Verbraucherrecht, 2015
Klauser/Kodek: JN-ZPO, 17th edition, 2012
Klauser in Konecny (ed.), Insolvenzgesetze, commentary on European Insolvency Regulation, 2009 & 2013


Nominations, Austria's leading practitioners in the fields of Dispute Resolution, Consumer Law, Insolvency Law by Chambers, The Legal 500; Who´s Who Legal; Format/Trend