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Dr. Alfred POSCH Associate Professor, Institute of Systems Sciences, Innovation and Sustainability, University of Graz


 Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Alfred Posch is associate professor at the Institute of Systems Sciences, Innovation and Sustainability, and faculty member of the interdisciplinary doctoral school in climate change at the University of Graz, Austria. As dean of studies, he is responsible for the teaching programme at the Faculty of Environmental, Regional, and Educational Sciences of the University of Graz. Besides, he has initialized and coordinated the International Joint Master Programme in Sustainable Development, which is offered by a consortium of eight universities from three continents. In his role as member and speaker of the scientific steering committee of the so-called Montagsakademie he also significantly contributed to the science-public-interaction. Prof. Posch leads a research group focusing on social science research in the field of energy transition, industrial ecology and sustainability. By publishing journal articles and book chapters, editing books and special issues of journals, he contributes to the national and international debate on energy transition, industrial ecology, and sustainable development.