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Dr. Almina BESIC Member, Forum Alpbach Network, London


2007-2010 Master's Degree in Management and International Business and Master's Degree in Financial and Industrial Management, School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Graz
2008-2010 Undergraduate Associate, University of Graz
since 2010 Doctoral Programme in Social and Economic Sciences and Doctoral Programme South-Eastern Europe, School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Graz
Research and Teaching Assistant, University of Graz
2012-2014 Research Fellow at the ERSTE Foundation
Lecturer, Université Lumière Lyon 2, FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie und Management Essen, Medical University of Graz


Non-profit organisation Books4Life Graz, Austria, since 2010
High Potential Program Circle of Excellence Graz, since 2011
Program Zusammen:Österreich, Integration Ambassador, since 2014


Analytic & Forensic Technology, Working group: Deloitte Analytic & Forensic Technology, In: WIN2 whitebook, Eisenstadt, 2010
Reform geglückt? Ein Vergleich zwischen reformiertem US-amerikanischem und österreichischem Krankenversicherungssystem im Hinblick auf ausgewählte Interessensgruppen - erster Teil. Soziale Sicherheit, 12, 579-589 - zweiter Teil. Soziale Sicherheit, 1, 25-36, 2012
Arbeitszufriedenheit von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund - Eine Analyse auf Basis des Soziooekonomischen Panels (SOEP). Arbeit, 2 (22), 134-149, 2013
Diversity management across borders: the role of the national context, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal (forthcoming)


Second-place, Conference Balkan Case Challenge, Graz/Vienna, 2008
Best paper award at the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference, Toulouse, 2012
Erste Foundation research fellow at the Fellowship for Social Research, 2013
Rudi-Roth-Stipend for excellent dissertation projects at the University of Graz, 2014