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Dr. Andrzej GORSKI Director, L. Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology & Exp. Therapy Bioethics Commission, Ministery of Health


1988 Visiting Prof. Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
1989 Visit. Prof. University of London
1993-1996 Prorector, The Med. University Warsaw
1996-1999 Rector, The Med. Univ. Warsaw


Polish Academy of Sciences
Polish Academy of Arts and Letters
Clinical Immunology Society
Transplantation Society


The Role of Cell Adhesion molecules in Immunopathology, in: Immunology Today, 1994
Scientific Misconduct: an International Perspective, in: Science & Engineering Ethics 2000
Industry Support of Researchers in Universities and Academic Medical Centers, in: JAMA 285, 2001
Conflict of Interest and its Significance in Science and Medicine, in: Science & Engineering Ethics 2001


Meller Award, Sloan-Kettering Institute of Cancer Res., NY
J. Sniadecki Award, Polish Academy of Sciences