Dr. Armin RELLER Professor für Festkörperchemie, Institut für Physik, sowie Vorstandsmitglied, WissenschaftsZentrum Umwelt (WZU), Universität Augsburg
1992-1998 | Professor of the chair of Anorganic and Applied Chemistry |
1999-2008 | Professor of the chair of Solid State Chemistry, University of Hamburg |
since 2009 | Professor of the chair of Resource Strategy, Institute of Physics, University of Augsburg |
Leader, Programme Solar Chemistry/Hydrogen/Regenerative Carriers of Energy, Swiss Office of Energy (BFE, Bern), 1988-2005 | |
Member, Editorial board and publisher, Progress in Solid State Chemistry (Elsevier) and Ökologische Perspektiven in Natur-, Geistes- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften "GAIA" | |
Member, Advisor-Committee of AG SOLAR, Nordrhein-Westfalen | |
Speaker, Environmental Science Center, Augsburg | |
Member, Board of the AMU (Application Center for Materials and Science), University of Augsburg | |
Member, Scientific Board of the Institute of Theology, Nature Sciences and Technology (TNT), Munich |
Carp, O; Huisman, CL; Reller, A., Photoinduced reactivity of titanium dioxide, Progress in solid state chemistry,Volume: 32; Issue: 1-2, pp. 33-177, 2004 | |
Reller A; Bublies T; Staudinger T., Oswald I; Meißner S.; Allen M., The Mobile Phone: Powerful Communicator and Potential Metal Dissipator, GAIA 18/2, pp. 127-135, 200 |