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Dr. Armin RELLER Professor für Festkörperchemie, Institut für Physik, sowie Vorstandsmitglied, WissenschaftsZentrum Umwelt (WZU), Universität Augsburg


1992-1998 Professor of the chair of Anorganic and Applied Chemistry
1999-2008 Professor of the chair of Solid State Chemistry, University of Hamburg
since 2009 Professor of the chair of Resource Strategy, Institute of Physics, University of Augsburg


Leader, Programme Solar Chemistry/Hydrogen/Regenerative Carriers of Energy, Swiss Office of Energy (BFE, Bern), 1988-2005
Member, Editorial board and publisher, Progress in Solid State Chemistry (Elsevier) and Ökologische Perspektiven in Natur-, Geistes- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften "GAIA"
Member, Advisor-Committee of AG SOLAR, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Speaker, Environmental Science Center, Augsburg
Member, Board of the AMU (Application Center for Materials and Science), University of Augsburg
Member, Scientific Board of the Institute of Theology, Nature Sciences and Technology (TNT), Munich


Carp, O; Huisman, CL; Reller, A., Photoinduced reactivity of titanium dioxide, Progress in solid state chemistry,Volume: 32; Issue: 1-2, pp. 33-177, 2004
Reller A; Bublies T; Staudinger T., Oswald I; Meißner S.; Allen M., The Mobile Phone: Powerful Communicator and Potential Metal Dissipator, GAIA 18/2, pp. 127-135, 200