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Attila SZASZ State Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister, Coordination on fields of education, culture, minorities and EU integration


 Dates (from - to): June, 2005-present
 Name and address of employer: The Government of Romania, Cabinet of the Deputy Prime-minister
 1 Piata Victoriei
 Bucharest, Romania
 Type of business or sector: Politics/Public Administration
 Occupation or position held: State Advisor to the Deputy Prime-minister
 Main activities and responsibilities: Coordination of the Deputy Prime-minister`s Cabinet on fields of education, culture, minorities and EU integration
 Political and administrative coordination at the governmental level, representation, communication
 Dates (from - to): January, 2005-June, 2005
 Name and address of employer: The Government of Romania, Cabinet of the Deputy Prime-minister
 1 Piata Victoriei
 Bucharest, Romania
 Type of business or sector: Culture and education
 Occupation or position held: Director
 Main activities and responsibilities: Coordinating strategies and policies on fields of education and culture
 Dates (from - to): December, 2002- December, 2004
 Name and address of employer: Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania, President`s Cabinet
 8 Avram Iancu, Sect 2.
 Bucharest, Romania
 Type of business or sector: Politics
 Occupation or position held: Director
 Main activities and responsibilities: Coordinate personnel, internal/external communication strategies task management
 Dates (from - to): June, 2001- December, 2002
 Name and address of employer: Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania, President`s Cabinet
 8 Avram Iancu, Sect 2.
 Bucharest, Romania
 Type of business or sector: Politics
 Occupation or position held: Press officer
 Main activities and responsibilities: liaise with mass media, edit the department s newsletter, coordinate communication strategies and action plans, PR
 Dates (from - to): May, 1999 - December, 2002
 Name and address of employer: Romániai Magyar Szó, hungarian daily newspaper in Romania
 Type of business or sector: Press
 Occupation or position held: Editor-in-chief
 Dates (from - to): October, 1998 - May, 1999
 Name and address of employer: Krónika
 Cluj/Bucharest, Romania
 Type of business or sector: Press
 Occupation or position held: Political reporter
 Dates (from - to): January 1997 - July , 2003
 Name and address of employer: Zone studio
 Bucharest, Romania
 Type of business or sector: Media
 Occupation or position held: Translator, form English into Hungarian for Discovery Channel, Animal Planet
 Dates (from - to): November 1995 - September, 1998
 Name and address of employer: Romániai Magyar Szó, hungarian daily newspaper in Romania
 Type of business or sector: Press
 Occupation or position held: reporter
 Dates (from - to): September, 2005
 Name and type of organization providing education and training: Ph.D. Linguistic and cultural identities
 University of Bucharest, Romania
 Principal subjects/occupational
 skills covered: Political communications
 Communication as key factor in preserving the identity for poitical parties
 Dates (from - to): September, 2001
 Name and type of organization providing education and training: National School for Political and Administrative Studies, Bucharest, Romania
 Principal subjects/occupational
 skills covered: Communication, Public Relations
 Dates (from - to): 2001
 Name and type of organization providing education and training: IRI
 Principal subjects/occupational
 skills covered: Training on communication - USA, Washington DC, Atlanta, Georgia
 Dates (from - to): September, 1995 - February, 2000
 Name and type of organization providing education and training: University of Bucharest, Romania