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Mag. Barbara BRANDTNER Leiterin, Referat Durchsetzung und Verfahrensreform, GD Wettbewerb, Europäische Kommission, Brüssel


 Studied Law at the University of Vienna, the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium) and the University of Michigan Law School (LLM 1992).
1993-1995 Associate at Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton LLP, Brussels
since 1996 European Commission at the Legal Service
2002-2004 Member of the Cabinet of the Hon. Chris Patten, European Commissioner for External Relations
2004-2008 Member, then Deputy Head of Cabinet of Neelie Kroes, European Commissioner for Competition
since 2008 Head of Unit "Enforcement and Procedural Reform" in DG Competition (COMP.H.4)


Brandtner, B.: The 'Drama' of the EEA - Comments on Opinions 1/91 and 1/92, EJIL, 1992
Brandtner, B.; Folz, H.-P.: The International Practice of the European Communities: Current Survey", EJIL, 1993
Brandtner, B.: Die Entwicklungspolitik der EU und die Beziehungen zu den Staaten der Dritten Welt, in: Röttinger/Weyringer, Handbuch der Europäischen Integration, Wien 1996
Brandtner, B.; Rosas, A.: Human Rights and the External Relations of the European Community: An Analysis of Doctrine and Practice, EJIL, 1998
Brandtner, B.; Rosas, A.: Trade Preferences and Human Rights, in: Alston, The EU and Human Rights, Oxford 1999
Brandtner, B.; Rosas, A.: The EU as an External Human Rights Actor, in: Alfredsson et al., International Human Rights Monitoring Mechanisms, Kluwer, 2001
Brandtner, B.; Gilsdorf P.: Art. 296-298 EG (Sicherheitsausnahmen), Art. 301 EG (Sanktionen), in: von der Groeben/Schwarze: Kommentar zum EUV, 6. Aufl., Nomos, 2004