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B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Beatrice HEUSER Professor, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Reading, Berkshire


2003-2007 Head of Research, MGFA - German Armed Forces Military History Research Office, Potsdam
 Since 2007 Chair of International Relations, University of Reading
1991-2003 Chair of International and Strategic Studies, Department of War Studies, King's College London
1989-1991 Scientific assistant of the director, SWP - German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Berlin


Royal United Services Institution
British International Studies Association


The Bomb: Nuclear Weapons in their Historical, Strategic and Ethical Context, 1999
Clausewitz lesen! 2005
Den Krieg Denken: Die Entwicklung der Strategie seit der Antike, 2010
Rebellen, Partisanen, Guerrilleros: Asymmetrische Kriegführung von der Antike bis heute, 2013