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Bernard DUHEM Permanent Secretary, PREDIT - Programme of research, experimentation and innovation in land transport, La Défense


 Started his carreer in a building company. Then spent eight years as a civil servant in the Municipality of Grenoble, dealing first with programming for maintenance and adaptation of municipal buildings, second with conducting urban developments, third organising municipal technical activities in a geographical sector of the city.
since 1984 Ministry for public works (today ministry for ecology, energy, sustainable development and the sea), he has been leading research incentive programmes in the field of urban planning and management, environment and transport.
since 2001 Responsible for Predit, a national programme for surface transport research and innovation.
 Predit is a plateform to coordinate research and innovation fundings coming from three ministries (sustainable development -MEEDDM-, industry -MinEIE-, research -MESR) and three agencies (for energy and environment -ADEME-, for research -ANR-, and for innovation -OSEO-). The budget objective for 2008-2012 is 400 M¬ .
 This fourth programme (the first one started in 1990) has been given six thematic priorities:
 - energy and environment
 - quality and safety of transport systems
 - mobility in urban regions
 - logistics and freight transport
 - competitiveness of the transport industry
 - transport policies
 The president of this programme is a member of the French Parliament, Jean-Louis Léonard, député de Charente-Maritime.