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MSc. Ph.D. Bernd Walter RAINER Policy Officer, Directorate F.5 - Health Biotechnology, Directorate-General for Research, European Commission, Brussels


 Is with the Commission, Directorate General for Research, since 2000, in the sector of Biotechnology for Human Health. He is one of the initiators of the European Technology Platform on "Innovative Medicines", which has evolved over the Framework Programmes and has recently been proposed by the European Commission for implementation through a Joint Technology Initiative.
 Before joining the European Commission, Mr Rainer worked in the private sector, he was manager for regulatory affairs and quality control in pharmaceutical industry (SANDOZ and BAXTER, Austria) and business unit manager and deputy director of a Small-sized enterprise (ENTEC, Austria).
 Following his academic training, which he received in Austria and France, Mr. Rainer worked as a project manager in pharmaceutical engineering (FLUOR DANIEL, Germany).
 He has a background as Biochemist from Graz University of Technology and holds a Ph.D. in Biotechnology from Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse (first-class honours).


Mr. Rainer has published several papers and edited/co-edited booklets on European Research activities.