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Mag. Bernhard JUNGWIRTH Project Leader, Saferinternet.at, Vienna


1996-1997 Assistant of the managing director at ISP Reinsprecht
2000 Journalist at ORF ON (Futurezone)
2003 Graduation at University of Vienna (Master in communication science)
2007 Graduation at Johannes Kepler University Linz (Master in organisational development)
2001-2008 Project manager at Austrian Institute for Applied Telecommunications (ÖIAT)
 Since 2008 Managing director at Austrian Institute for Applied Telecommunications (ÖIAT), Project Manager Saferinternet.at and Internet Ombudsmann


Steering Committee of European Internet Safety Network (INSAFE)
National Advisory Board for Information Society (BIG)
Advisory Board of Stopline (Austrian report centre against child pornography and national socialism on the internet)