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Ph.D. D.Sc. Bertil ANDERSSON President, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


1972 BSc Umea University
1974 MSc Umea University
1978 PhD Lund University
1982 DSc Lund University
1989-1997 Member of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry (Chair 1997)
1996-2003 Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences, University of Stockholm
1999-2003 Rector, Linköping University
2004-2007 European Science Foundation in Strasbourg as its Chief Executive.
2007 NTU's first Provost
2000-2006 Member of the Nobel Foundation
2004-2007 Vice President, European Research Advisory Board (EURAB) of the European Commission
2011 NTU's third President
 Member of the Board of Trustees of the Nobel Foundation
 Professor of Biochemistry, Linköping University; Adjunct Professor, Umeå University; visiting Professor and Fellow, Imperial College London
 Research adviser to the Swedish government
 Adviser to business activities in the area of biotechnology and pharma


Member of the boards of several Swedish and international foundations and learned societies
Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Member of the Australian Academy of Sciences and Academia Europaea
Member of the Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) Board, A*STAR Singapore


over 300 papers


Honorary doctorates from several universities