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Dr. Bharath GANESH Assistant Professor of Media Studies, University of Groningen, Visiting Research Associate, Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford


 Bharath is a researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute working on the Data Science in Local Government and VOX-Pol projects. His current research explores the spread and impact of data science techniques in local governments across Europe, right-wing and counter-jihad extremism in Europe and the United States, and uses big data to study new media audiences and networks. He is developing new projects to study hate speech and extremism online and regulatory responses to this problem. Broadly, Bharath’s research focuses on the relation between technology, media, and society.
 Bharath holds a PhD in Geography from University College London (2017). His doctoral research used ethnographic methods to study ethics, politics, and multiculturalism in American hip-hop. His research was funded by the Bonnart Trust to study methods to combat racial, religious, and cultural intolerance (http://www.fbbtrust.org.uk).
 During his PhD, Bharath was also a Senior Researcher at Tell MAMA, a national project dedicated to mapping and monitoring anti-Muslim hate in the United Kingdom. He has given evidence in the Houses of Parliament on governance, extremism, gender, and hate crime and authored a number of reports in this area. He has been a guest on BBC News, Radio 4, and other national media outlets.