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Dr. Birgit SAUER Professor, Institute for Political Science, University of Vienna


1976-1984 Student of Political Science and German Literature, Tübingen and Free University of Berlin/West
1984 Staatsexamen
1993 PhD (Dissertation), Institute for Political Science, Free University Berlin
2000 Habilitation in Political Science, University of Vienna
 Professional positions
1985-1985 Research assistant for Prof. Dr. Ralf Rytlewski, Free University Berlin
1985-1986 Highschool teacher, Berlin West
1987 Research assistant for Prof. Dr. Ralf Rytlewski, Free University Berlin
1987-1992 Assistant Professor, Institute for Political Science, Free University Berlin
1993-1994 Visiting Professor, Kon-Kuk-University in Seoul
1994 Visiting Professor, University of Klagenfurt
1995-1996 Assistant Professor, institute for Sociology, University Freiburg
1996-2001 Assistant Professor, institute for Political Science, University of Vienna
 Since 2010 Speaker of the Graduate School "Gender, Violence and Agency in the Era of Globalization", University of Vienna
 Since 2011 Director of the Doctoral Programme of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Vienna
 Since 2001 Professor of Political Science, University of Vienna


Executive Committee of European Consortium for Political Research
American Political Science Association
International Political Science Association
Austrian Political Science Association


Bringing emotions back, in Gefühle als Regierungstechnik: Geschlechter- und demokratietheoretische Überlegungen, in: Jarzebowski, C., Kwaschik, A. (Hg.): Performing Emotions. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf das Verhältnis von Politik und Emotionen in der Frühen Neuzeit und in der Moderne, Göttingen, S. 241-258, 2013
Komplexe soziale Ungleichheiten, Citizenship und die Krise der Demokratie, in: Appelt, E., Aulenbacher, B., Wetterer, A. (Hg.): Gesellschaft. Feministische Krisendiagnosen Münster, S. 167-185, 2013
Does Federalism Impact Gender Architectures? The Case of Women s Policy Agencies in Germany and Austria, Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Vol. 43, Issue 1, S. 68-89, zs. mit Lang, S., 2013
Interethnic violence in Austrian Schools. An intersectional approach, in: Medaric, Z. et al. (Hg.): Children s voices. Studies of interethnic conflict and violence in European schools, Milton Park/NY, S. 83-102, zs. mit Ajanovic, E., 2014