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Dipl.-Sozpäd. Cara COENEN Regional Coordinator, Arbeiterkind.de NRW, Essen


1997-2000 Student, University of Applied Sciences, Münster
2000 Diploma, Social Work/Social Pedagogics, University of Applied Sciences, Münster
2000-2003 Socio-Educational Support for Youths and Families, Düsseldorf
2001-2002 Regional Coordinator (voluntary), DBSH - German Federation of Social Work, Düsseldorf
2002-2011 Social Work at and Management of (Protestant) Youth Centres, Düsseldorf and Wuppertal
2003-2010 Trainings for Voluntary Youth Group Leaders, Düsseldorf and Wuppertal
since 2011 Regional Coordinator, ArbeiterKind.de NRW, Essen


DBSH - German Federation of Social Work, since 1999