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Dr. Chris ZEVENBERGEN Part-time professor at the Urban Water and Sanitation Department of UNESCO-IHE, Delft


 Chris Zevenbergen has a masters in ecology from the Agricultural University Wageningen and a doctorate in environmental engineering from the University Utrecht. He worked as a researcher on various environmental & water issues related to the building industry, such as environmental impact assessments, product development, emission modeling, testing procedures, building codes and guidelines in the 1980s followed by 10 years research and consultancy in environmental engineering and water management of urban systems and delta-technology. In the past 7 years he has accumulated extensive national and international experience with integrated approaches to manage floods in urban environments, such as in the Floating City project in the Haarlemmermeer, the amphibious dwellings pilot project (Maasbommel), the Floating Greenhouse pilot project (Zuidplaspolder and Naaldwijk), and the Urban Flood Management Project (Hamburg, Thames Gateway, Dordrecht). His research interest is specifically on innovative concepts and delta-technology to mitigate urban flood impacts.


Chairman of EU COST C22 action on Urban Flood Management
Member of the Coast Commission Provence of South Holland, The Netherlands Member of the Board of the Dutch knowledge impulse programme "Living with Water"
Member of the Board of The Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP)


Advances in Urban Flood Management. R. Ashley, S. Garvin, E. Pasche, A. Vassilopoulos and C. Zevenbergen. (Eds). Tailor and Francis. 510 pp, ISBN 978-0-415-43662-5, 2007