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Mag. Christian FELBER Freelance Journalist; Founder of the "Economy for the Common Good", Vienna


1990-1996 Studies of Romance Philology, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology in Vienna and Madrid
 Since 1996 Free Journalist with regular contributions in nearly all Austrian quality newspapers
 Since 1998 (Co-)Author of 14 books, incl. several bestsellers
2000 Co-Founder of Attac Austria, press speaker for three years and executive board member for two years
 Since 2004 International Lecturer with approx. 15 talks per month in 25 countries
 Since 2004 Professional Contemporary Dancer
 Since 2008 University Teacher at Vienna University of Economics and Business, University of Graz, University of Klagenfurt, Polytechnic University of Valencia and others
2010 Elected as civil society leader for sustainability
Founder of the »Economy for the Common Good«
Founder of the project »Bank for the Common Good«


50 Vorschläge für eine gerechtere Welt, Deuticke 2006
Neue Werte für die Wirtschaft. Eine Alternative zu Kommunismus und Kapitalismus, Deuticke 2008
Kooperation statt Konkurrenz. 10 Schritte aus der Krise, Deuticke 2009
Die Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie. Das Wirtschaftsmodell der Zukunft, Deuticke 2010 - Übersetzung in 10 Sprachen
Retten wir den Euro, Deuticke, 2012
Geld. Die neuen Spielregeln, Deuticke, 2014
Die innere Stimme. Wie Spiritualität, Freiheit und Gemeinwohl zusammenhängen, Publik-Forum 2015
Ethischer Welthandel. Alternativen zu TTIP, WTO & CO, Deuticke 2017


2010 Elected as civil society leader for sustainability
2010 Nominated for the »Communicator of the Year«
2013 Teaching prize 2012/13 from University of Graz
2013 Recognition of IPN in México City
2014 "Premio nueva Civilización", from University of Chile
2014 GetAbstract International Book Award 2014
2015 "Premio Verde" Ámbito Privado, Fundación José Navarro
2017 Zeit Wissen Preis "Mut zur Nachhaltigkeit"