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Christian KLEZL Vice President Corporate Strategy, IBM Corporation, New York


1987-1988 Marketing, Nixdorf Computer GesmbH, Vienna
1988-1990 Editor, IDG Communications Verlag GesmbH, Vienna
1990-1991 Sales and Marketing Manager, Bohmann Druck und Verlag GesmbH, Vienna
1991 Sales and Marketing Manager Central- and Eastern Europe, Copam Handelsgesellschaft mbH, Vienna
1992-1997 Managing Director, Harvard Marketing Services GmbH, Vienna, Munich and London
1998-2000 Manager Marketing & Communications, IBM Central- and Eastern Europe, Russia, Middle East and Africa, Vienna
2000-2005 Director IBM Global Services, IBM Europe, Middle East & Africa, Paris
2006-2009 Vice President, IBM Global Services Central- and Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa, Switzerland & Austria, Prague
2010-2011 Vice President & Cloud Leader, IBM Europe, Vienna and Zurich
since 2012 Vice President Corporate Strategy, IBM Corporation, New York