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DI Dr. Christian WINDISCHBERGER Scientific Vice Director, MR Center of Excellence, Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Medical University of Vienna


1996-2003 Research assistant at the Institute for Medical Physics at the University of Vienna
2004-2005 Research assistant at the Center for Biomedical Engineering and Physics, Medical University of Vienna
2007-2008 Assistant Professor at the Center for Biomedical Engineering and Physics, Medical University of Vienna
since 2008 Associate Professor at the Center for Biomedical Engineering and Physics, Medical University of Vienna


Organisation of Human Brain Mapping
European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology


Windischberger C, Lamm C, Bauer H, Moser, E: Human motor cortex activity during mental rotation, NeuroImage, 20:225-32, 2003
Kasess CH, Stephan KE, Weissenbacher A, Pezawas L, Moser E, Windischberger C: Multi-subject analyses with dynamic causal modelling, Neuroimage, 49:3065-74, 2010
Windischberger C, Lanzenberger R, Holik A, Spindelegger C, Stein P, Moser U, Gerstl F, Fink M, Moser E, Kasper S: Area-specific modulation of neural activation comparing escitalopram and citalopram revealed by pharmaco-fMRI: A randomized cross-over study, Neuroimage, 49:1161-70, 2010
Biswal BB, Mennes M, Zuo XN, Gohel S, Kelly C, Smith SM, Beckmann CF, Adelstein JS, Buckner RL, Colcombe S, Dogonowski AM, Ernst M, Fair D, Hampson M, Hoptman MJ, Hyde JS, Kiviniemi VJ, Kötter R, Li SJ, Lin CP, Lowe MJ, Mackay C, Madden DJ, Madsen KH, Margulies DS, Mayberg HS, McMahon K, Monk CS, Mostofsky SH, Nagel BJ, Pekar JJ, Peltier SJ, Petersen SE, Riedl V, Rombouts SA, Rypma B, Schlaggar BL, Schmidt S, Seidler RD, Siegle GJ, Sorg C, Teng GJ, Veijola J, Villringer A, Walter M, Wang L, Weng XC, Whitfield-Gabrieli S, Williamson P, Windischberger C, Zang YF, Zhang HY, Castellanos FX, Milham MP: Toward discovery science of human brain function, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 107:4734-9, 2010


Honors Award, University of Technology, Vienna, 1996
Fellowship of the Human Frontier Science Program, 2009