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Dr. Claire NAUWELAERS International Expert on Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Brussels


 Claire NAUWELAERS is an independent Policy Analyst and Governmental Adviser, specialised in research and innovation policy, working in an international environment. She has 30 years of experience in this field and a wide network of contacts with experts, academics and policy-makers. Until 2011 she was working on innovation as a policy analyst in the Regional Development Policy Division at OECD. Previously, she was Research Director at UNU-MERIT, the University of Maastricht and United Nations University, in charge of the research team:  Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation». She started her career as researcher within two academic teams (the Interdisciplinary Centre in Regional Development, and the Interdisciplinary Centre Law-Economics) at the University of Louvain in Belgium, where she was in charge of research projects dealing with economic development and innovation.
 Her main areas of research and expertise revolve around the analysis and policy advice about the functioning of research and innovation systems, notably at the regional level. She is working on policy development, analysis and evaluation in the areas of Research, Technological Development and Innovation in response to needs from the European Commission, national and regional authorities. She is member of Scientific Steering Committees of several Research Networks, part of policy review teams, and is regularly invited as expert in High-Level Expert groups for the European Commission or Member States. She has published numerous books and articles on policy aspects of research, technology and innovation.


Regional Innovation Monitor (European Union Initiative), Member of the Steering Committee
Smart Specialisation Platform (European Union Initiative), Member of the Policy Advisory Committee (Mirror Group)
CIRCLE (Centre for Innovation Research and Competence in the Learning Economy at the University of Lund), Member of the Policy Advisory Board


Nauwelaers, C. and R. Wintjes (ed.): Innovation Policy in Europe, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2008
Nauwelaers, C .: Several chapters in OECD (2011), Regions and Innovation policy, OECD Publishing, Paris, 2011
Nauwelaers, C.: Intermediaries in regional innovation systems: role and challenges for policy, in, Cooke, P. (ed.) The Handbook of Regional Innovation and Growth, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2009
Nauwelaers, C., P. Boekholt, B. Mostert, P. Cunningham, K. Guy, R. Hofer, C. Rammer: Policy Mix for R&D in Europe, Report for DG Research, 2009