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Dr. LL.M. Claudia FUCHS Assistant Professor, Department of Public Law and Tax Law, WU - Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna


2001 Master´s degree
2002-2006 Faculty Member, WU Institute for Austrian and European Public Law, Vienna
2003 Master of Laws at the Danube University Krems
2006 Doctorate in Law at the University of Vienna,
2006-2008 Law Clerk, Austrian Constitutional Court, Vienna
2010 Visiting Fellow, LSE Department of Law, London
2012 Research Stay, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg


Österreichische Verwaltungswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft
Österreichischer Juristentag
Wiener Juristische Gesellschaft


On the Convergence in the Interpretation of Human Rights in the European Human Rights Regime, In: P Ishwara Bhat (ed) Constitutionalism and Constitutional Pluralism, 2013, 233
Verfassungsvergleichung und Gesetzgebung. Funktionen und Funktionsbedingungen des legislativen Rechtsvergleichs, JRP 2013, 2
Vergaberecht, 3rd ed, 2012 (jointly with Holoubek, Holzinger)
Europäische Verfahrensgrundsätze und mitgliedstaatliches Verwaltungshandeln, ZÖR 2012, 47


Habilitation Grant (WU jointly with Austrian Science Fund), 2011
Dissertation Award Dr. Maria Schaumayer-Stiftung, 2007