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Prof. Dr. Claus DIERKSMEIER Director, Global Ethic Institute, University of Tübingen


1995 Master of Arts in Philosophy, Public Law and Systematic Theology, University of Hamburg
1997 PhD in Philosophy, University of Hamburg
Scientific Fellow, Institute of Philosophy, University of Jena
1997-1998 Research Assistant and Instructor, Institute for Public Law and Philosophy Law, University of Jena
1998 Scientific Fellow, interdisciplinary research project "Methoden richterlicher Rechtsfindung", Universities Jena and Hagen
1998-2002 Assistant Professor for Practical Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, University of Jena
2001-2002 Visiting Professor and Research Fellow in Spain, Uruguay and Argentina based on a research grant awarded by the "Goerres-Gesellschaft"
2002 Dr. habil. (PD) in Philosophy, University of Jena
2002-2011 Associate Professor, Stonehill College, Easton/Boston
2008-2009 Replacement, Full Professorship, University of Regensburg
2011-2012 Full Professor, Stonehill College, Easton/Boston
since 2012 Director, Global Ethic Institute, University of Tübingen
since 2016 Full Professor for Globalisation and Economic Ethics and Director of the Global Ethic Institute, University of Tübingen


- Member of the Curatorium of the "Kritisches Jahrbuch der Philosophie", since 2017
- Member of the Board of Trustees of the Theodor Heuss Foundation, since 2017
- Member of the Advisory Board of the International Centre for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities, since 2016
- Associated Editor of The Humanistic Management Journal, since 2016


- "Practical Wisdom: Management's No Longer Forgotten Virtue", co-authored with Claudius Bachmann, Andre Habisch, Journal of Business Ethics (January 2017)
- "Welche Freiheit brauchen Unternehmer?" (What Liberty do Entrepreneurs Need?), Co-author: Holger Petersen, Forum Wirtschaftsethik 24 (2016): 143-153
- Qualitative Freiheit - Selbstbestimmung in weltbürgerlicher Verantwortung (Qualitative Freedom - Self-Determination in Cosmopolitan Responsibility). Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2016.
- Wirtschaftsanthropologie (Economic Anthropology), edited by U. Hemel (lead editor), C. Dierksmeier and J. Manemann. Berlin: Nomos, 2015.