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BS MA Curtis J. HOXTER President of Curtis J. Hoxter, Inc.


1939-40 AUFBAU-Reconstn. N.Y.
1940-42 feature writer, reporter L.I. Daily Press
1943-45 writer OWI
1945-47 pub. info. officer Dept. State
1948-53 pub.rels.cons. Various cos., dir pub. rels. Internat. C.of C., U.S.Counc.Intern.C.of C.
1950 M.A.
-55 info. cos. ECA
1953-56 columnist Scripps-Howard Newspapers, exec. v.p. George Peabody and Assos., Inc.
 Pres. Curtis J. Hoxter, Inc.
 internat. pub. rels. counsels and econ. and fin. advs. Adviser, US. Com. for UN Day; adv. on internat. econ. and fin. problems to govt. agys.; adv. U.S. del. Disarmament Conf., London; mem. internat. adv. bd. Bus. Week Chief Exec. Roundtable


Met. (N.Y.C.)
Overseas Press (N.Y.C.)
Nat. Press
Econ. Club N.Y.
Senior advisor to the President of the European Community, Romano Prodi


1991 Order of Merit of the Republic of Austria