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Dr. Daniel BARBEN Professor, Institute of Science, Technology and Society Studies, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt


1989-1998 Research Fellow, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB)
1999-2004 Research Fellow, Technische Universität Berlin, Centre for Technology and Society (ZTG)
2000-2003 Habilitation Research Grant (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), Visiting Scholar, Rutgers University, Harvard University
2005-2006 Research Associate, La Follette School of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2006-2010 Associate Research Professor, Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes, Arizona State University
2010-2013 VDI Professor of Futures Studies, RWTH Aachen University


Member, Governing Council, Science and Democracy Network, since 2002
Associate Editor and Managing Director, Science and Public Policy (peer-reviewed), 2006-2010
Editor-in-Chief, European Journal of Futures Research (peer-reviewed, Springer), since 2012
Member, Bioökonomierat (Bioeconomy Council, advisory body to the German Federal Government), since 2012


Politische Ökonomie der Biotechnologie, Innovation und gesellschaftlicher Wandel im internationalen Vergleich, Reihe Theorie und Gesellschaft, Frankfurt/M, Campus, 2007
Barben D., Fisher E., Selin C., Guston D.: Anticipatory Governance of Nanotechnology: Foresight, Engagement, and Integration, In: Hackett E.J., Amsterdamska O., Lynch M. E., Wajcman J. (Eds.): Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, Third Edition, Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 2008, 979-1000
Analyzing Acceptance Politics: Towards an Epistemological Shift in the Public Understanding of Science and Technology, In: Public Understanding of Science, 19(3), 2010, 274-292
Felt U., Barben D., Irwin A., Joly P.-B., Rip A., Stirling A., Stöckelová T.: Science in Society: Caring for our futures in turbulent times, Science Policy Briefing, 50. Strasbourg, European Science Foundation, 2013