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Dr. Davide GALLINO Assistant of the President, Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (the national regulator for tlc, TV and the press), Rome


 PhD in Telecommunications Policy
 Degree in International Affairs. NATO grant, Council of Foreign Affairs grant, Visitors Programme Fellow of the USIS (United States Information Agency)
 Research fellow /consultant for the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the University of Rome, the Aspen Institute
 Delegate to the ONP Committee and to the Licensing Committee of the European Commission, to the EPRA (European Platform of Audiovisual Regulators) and to the IRG (Indipendent Regulators' Group)


.eu. La rivoluzione digitale in Europa e in Italia, 2000
Il libro delle telecomunicazioni, ADN Kronos Libri 1998