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PhD Davide IANNUZZI ERC Starting Grant 2007 and ERC Proof of Concept Grant 2011; Professor in Experimental Physics, Faculty of Science, VU University Amsterdam


 After completion of his academic education in Italy, Davide Iannuzzi (Laurea degree in Physics at the University of Padua in 1995, PhD in Physics at the University of Pavia in 2002) moved to the United States, where he spent almost four years as a postdoctoral fellow, first at Bell Laboratories (NJ) and then at Harvard University (MA).
 In 2005, he came back to Europe thanks to a fellowship of the Dutch National Foundation (NWO) that allowed him to set his own group at the VU University of Amsterdam, where he has been working since then.
 In 2011, he co-founded a start-up company (Optics11) to bring a technology of his to market (fiber-top technology).
 He has been bestowed with several international awards, and he has co-authored more than 70 papers and 5 patent applications.
 Since January 2013, he has been Professor in Experimental Physics via the University Research Chair program of the VU University Amsterdam.