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Ph.D. Dennis J. SNOWER Präsident, IfW - Institut für Weltwirtschaft, sowie Professor für Theoretische Volkswirtschaftslehre, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel


 Funktionsbezeichnung "Who is Who": President, Institute for the World Economy; Professor, Christian-Albrechts University Kiel
1968-1971 New College, Oxford University, BA 1971
1971-1975 Princeton University, MA 1973, PhD 1975
1974-1975 Teaching Assistant, Princeton University
1975-1979 Assistant Professor, University of Maryland
1979-1981 Assistant Professor, Institut for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna
1980-1983 Lecturer, Birkbeck College, University of London
1983-1988 Reader, Birkbeck College, University of London
1989-2004 Professor of Economics, Birkbeck College, University of London
1992-1994 Chairman, Department of Economics, Birkbeck College
1991-1998 Program Director, Human Resources, CEPR, London
1998-1999 Program Director, Public Policy, CEPR, London
1999-2004 Program Director, Welfare State and Labor Markets, IZA, Bonn
2004 Program Director, Labor Markets and Institutions, IZA, Bonn
 Since 2004 Professor of Economics, Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel
 Since 2004 President, Institute for the World Economy, Kiel


Fellow, IZA (Institute for the Future of Work), Bonn
Fellow, CEPR (Centre for Economic Policy Research), London
Fellow, CESifo
Member, Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg


Snower D., Lindbeck A.: Insiders versus Outsiders, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 15 (1), 165-188, 2001
Snower D., Merkl C.: The Caring Hand that Cripples: The East German Labor Market after Reunification, American Economic Review 96 (2), 375-382, 2006
Snower D., Graham L.: Hyperbolic Discounting and the Phillips Curve, Journal of Money Credit and Banking, 40(2-3), 427-448, 2008
Snower D., Brown A., Merkl C.: Globalization and the Welfare State: A Review of "Can Germany Be Saved", Journal of Economic Literature, 47:1, 136-158, 2009