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Dick CLOMEN Head of Policy and Strategic Advisor to the Secretary General, Swedish Red Cross, Stockholm


2000-2002 Regional Programme Officer, International Law and Refugees, Swedish Red Cross, Stockholm
2002-2003 Programme Co-ordinator, Assistance to Asylum-Seekers, Swedish Red Cross, Stockholm
2003-2004 Programme Co-ordinator, International Programmes International Law and Refugees, Swedish Red Cross, Stockholm
2004-2008 Programme Co-ordinator, Assistance to Asylum-Seekers, Swedish Red Cross, Stockholm
2008-2015 Senior Legal Advisor, Swedish Red Cross, Stockholm


Rudvall, S. and Hedegård, M. (eds.): "Symboler som räddar liv - Röda korset, röda halvmånen och röda kristallen", In: Skyddande kännetecken i den internationella humanitära rätten, Swedish Ministry of Defence, 2015
with Tengroth, C.: Även krig har regler: Internationell Humanitär Rätt - En handbok för parlamentariker, Swedish Red Cross, 2013