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Dr. Dragana AVRAMOV Director and Senior Scientific Fellow, Population and Social Policy Consultants, Brussels


1981-1994 Senior Scientific Fellow, Director, Demographic Research Centre, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia
1994-1998 Research Coordinator, European Observatory on Homelessness, FEANTSA, Brussels, Belgium
 Since 1995 Director, Population and Social Policy Consultants (PSPC)


- Global Europe 2030/2050, Expert Group, European Commission, DG Research, The World and Europe up to 2050: EU policies and research priorities
- Member of the International Advisory Board of the Scientific Research centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts ZRC SAZU), Slovenia, 2011-2013
- Council member, International Union for the Scientific study of Population (IUSSP), 1989-1993
- Union of International Associations, Active Member


Höhn C., D. Avramov, I. Kotowska (Eds.) (2008), People, Population Change and Policies: Lessons from the Population Policy Acceptance Study, two volumes, European Studies of Population, Dodrecht: Springer
Avramov, D., R. Cliquet (2005), Integrated Policies on Gender Relations, Ageing and Migration in Europe: Lessons from the Network for Integrated European Population Studies (NIEPS). CBGS Publicaties. Leuven: Garant
Avramov, D. (2001), People, Demography and Social Exclusion. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing
Avramov, D. (Ed.) (1999) Coping with Homelessness: Issues to be Tackled and Best Practices in Europe. Aldershot, Brookfield USA, Singapore, Sydney: Ashgate