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MD Ph.D. Edward DE BONO Ambassador of the European Year of Creativity and Innovation; Founder, The World Centre for New Thinking, Malta


 Was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, is an M.D. and Ph.D., and has held appointments at Oxford and Cambridge Universities, the University of London, and Harvard University.
 Has been called  the father of thinking about thinking and is the world s leading authority on conceptual thinking as the driver of organizational innovation, strategic leadership, individual creativity, and problem solving. Since 1970 his exclusive tools and methods have brought astonishing results to organizations large and small worldwide and to individuals from a wide range of cultures, educational backgrounds, occupations, and age groups. His instruction in thinking has been sought by many business organisations over the years, including: IBM, Prudential, Shell, Exxon, NTT, Nokia, Bank of America, Union Bank of Switzerland, GM etc. Unusual clients include the Australian national cricket team. His methods are taught in thousands of schools around the world and are mandatory on the curriculum in many countries. Facilitated Thinking sessions for Noble Laureates in South Korea in the early nineties.
 Dr. de Bono has been credited with producing thinking techniques that are simple, practical, and powerful. His work, concepts and application represented by Lateral Thinking, Parallel Thinking, 6 Thinking Hats, CoRT programme, the L-game, DATT (Direct Attention Thinking Tools), Simplicity and Six Value Medals have become an integral part of World s Universal Business and Management Literature. They are now being implemented in organizations of all sizes because of their simplicity and their power to change thinking behaviour, increase productivity, foster team-building, and evoke profitable innovation.


Has written over 80 books, and his work has been translated into over 42 languages.


Ranked amongst the world s leading Management Gurus and Thought Leaders, in the same league as Bill Gates, Michael Porter, Tom Peters, Philip Kotler, Peter Drucker, Stephen Covey, Gary Hamel, C; K, Pralahad
A group of academics in South Africa nominated him as one of the 250 people who had most contributed in the whole history of humanity.
On the Accenture (formerly Anderson Consulting) list of the fifty most influential business thinkers in the world.
The International Astronomical Union named a minor planet after him: DE73 became edebono.
The University of Pretoria - which has made him the first  Professor of Thinking in the world - and the University of Malta have both set up  de Bono Institutes .
The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology recently awarded him the degree of Doctor of Design. There is a  de Bono Institute in Melbourne and The Edward de Bono Foundation UK/Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland.