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Dr. techn. Erkki ORMALA Vice President, Technology Policy, Nokia Corporation


1974 M.Eng. Degree
1986 Dr.Tech. Degree, Helsinki University of Technology
1974-1987 Research engineer at the Technical Research Centre of Finland
1976 visiting scholar at Stanford University in the USA
1982 International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis in Austria.
1987-1999 Secretary of the Science and Technology Policy Council of Finland
1999 he joined Nokia Group as Director, Technology Policy.
 His responsibilities cover technology policy, knowledge management, university co-operation, future watch and issues relating to information society.


1992-1993 chaired the international expert group carrying out the evaluation on EUREKA.
Since 1994 Member of the evaluation and monitoring panels of the EU RT & D programmes.
1996-1999 Chairman of the OECD Working Group for Technology and Innovation Policy.
2004 Chairing the Five-Year-Assessment group of the EU R&D Framework Programme


Over fifty papers on evaluation and innovation policies