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Dr. Esther MITTERSTIELER Editor in Chief, NEWS GmbH, Vienna


1987-1992 Contemporary history and philosophy (Lettere e Filosofia), Bologna
1993-1996 Business editor, daily newspaper "Dolomiten", Bozen
1996 Traineeship, Italys first financial newspaper "Il sole 24ore", Milan
1996-1998 Deputy head of department of economics, "Dolomiten", Bozen
Collaboration with public radio "RAI", presentation of "Pressespiegel"
1998-2001 Financial reporter, n-tv
1998-2002 Business editor, Der Standard, Vienna
2003-2004 Freelance journalist for profil, trend, DM Euro
2004 Public Relations Adviser, Scholdan & Company
2005-2006 Editor in Chief of Finance, Business People; Deputy editor in Chief, medianet
2006-2007 Chief Reporter, WirtschaftsBlatt
2007-2012 Head of Department Companies & Markets and Chief Editorship, WirtschaftsBlatt
2012-2014 Editor in Chief, WirtschaftsBlatt
since 2015 Chief Editorship and Head of Business department, "News", Vienna
since 2017 Editor in Chief, "News", Vienna


"Stoppt die Banken", Braumüller Verlag