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Dr. Eugenijus GEFENAS Since 1993 Senior Researcher, Ethical Department, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Vilnius Since 1995 Chairman of Lithuanian National Committee on Biomedical Ethics Since 1997 Associate Professor, Medical Faculty of Vilnius University


1983-1989 Medical Doctor at Vilnius Central Hospital
1989-1993 Postgraduate student, Ethical Department, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Vilnius
1993-1997 Lecture of Medical Ethics, Medical Faculty of Vilnius University


Member of the standing Bureau of the Europeand Conference of National Ethics Committees, since 1998 (Council of Europe)
Member of European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care
Lithuanian Bioethics Society (chairman)
Member of the Steering Committee on Bioethics (CDBI), since 2001


"Health Care in Lithuania: From Idealism to Reality". In: Reforming Health Care: The Philosophy and Practice of International Health Reform. Ed. By D. Seedhouse, John Wiley & Sons, 1995, p. 121-127.
"A Contract or Encounter". In: M. Evans (ed.) Advances in Bioethics. Critical Reflections on Medical Ethics. London: JAI Press Inc, 1998, p. 307-320.
"Genetics Ethical Challenge in the Baltic Countries", In: Who Owns Our Genes?, Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen, 2000, pp. 121-127.
"Is "Failure to Thrive" Syndrome Relevant to Lithuanian Healthcare Ethics Committees, HEC Forum 13 (3) 2001 (in press)


Visiting Scholar at Ersta Institute of Health Care Ethics, Stockholm, 1994 October - December
2000 September - December, Fullbright Scholar in Residence, Union College, Schenectady, USA