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Ph.D. Feng LIN Director, Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law, City University of Hong Kong


1987-1989 Assistant Lecturer, Department of Law, Fudan Univeristy Shanghai
1992-1994 Assistant Lecturer, Department of Law, City Polytechnic of Hong Kong
1994-1995 University Lecturer, Department of Law, City University of Hong Kong
1995-2002 Associate Professor, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong
2002-2006 Associate Professor, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong
2006-2013 Associate Professor, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong
since 2013 Professor,Law School, City University of Hong Kong


Member, Telecommunications (Competition Provision), Appeal Board
Member, Law Reform Commission
Director, Hong Kong Foundation for Legal Studies Ltd.
Member, Special Commitee on Constitutional and Human Rights Law
Bar Council of Hong Kong


Administrative Litigation in the HKSAR: the System, Legislation and Cases, Zhejiang University Press, 2011
Foreign Relations, in Halsbury s Laws of Hong Kong, volume 30, 2nd edition, LexisNexis, Butterworths, pp. 177-469, 2012
Chinese Constitutional Law, Sweet & Maxwell Asia, 2000
Hong Kong's Foreign Relations Law, in Halsbury s Laws of Hong Kong, Butterworths Asia, (published together with two other topics in the same volume in October 98), pp. 57-278, 1998
Administrative Law Procedures and Remedies in China, Sweet & Maxwell, 1996