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M.Sc. Filippo DAL FIORE Co-Head, Partners Relations and Technology Transfer, Senseable City Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA


2001 5-year Degree in Communication Sciences, University of Padua
2002 Graduate laboratory in "Technologies in Distributed Intelligence Systems", Department of Business Administration, Venice International University
since 2004 Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Senseable City Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Department of Spatial Economics, Free University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
2004-2007 School of Sociology, Interdisciplinary unit on Quality of Life in the Information Society, University of Milan Bicocca, Italy
2002-2004 School of Education, Interfaculty unit on Life-long and E-Learning, University of Venice Ca' Foscari, Italy
2006 Project: Mobile media for urban tourism - Spun-off company created from M.I.T. Senseable City Lab: Untravel Media
2007-2009 Interdisciplinary unit on Geographic Information Systems - GIS, Austrian Academy of Science
2009 Project: Cell phone data analysis for city management - Spun-off research foundation created from M.I.T. Senseable City Lab: Currentcity
since 2009 Co-Founder and Managing Director, Currentcity Research Foundation "Stichting Currentcity"
  Co-Head of Partners Relations and Technology Transfer, Senseable City Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
  Ongoing project: Building the Senseable Cities research consortium at M.I.T. - Agreements signed with General Electric, ENEL Energy, Province of Florence, and others public and private organizations
2010 Ph.D. in Economics, Department of Spatial Economics, Free University of Amsterdam
 Topics of research: ICT for city and urban management; smart cities; implications of information technologies on human behaviour; mobile technologies and travel behaviour; networked innovation and communities of practice; e-learning; new paradigms for inter-disciplinary research; complexity in the social sciences.


Costa, M., Dal Fiore, F.: Evolving entities. Spearheading organizational change through, communities and networks, Turin, UTET, 2005
Dal Fiore, F., Martinotti, G.: E-learning, Milan, McGraw-Hill, 2006
Dal Fiore, F., Foth, M., & Martinotti, G. (Eds.).: Introduction: The Human Web, American Behavioural Scientist, 50(7), 851-856, 2007
Dal Fiore, F.: Communities versus Networks: The Implications on Innovation and Social Change. American Behavioural Scientist, 50(7), 857-866, 2007
Dal Fiore, F. et al.: Digital footprinting: Uncovering the presence and movements of people from user-generated content, IEEE Pervasive Computing, pp. 78-85, 2008
Dal Fiore, F. et al.: Leveraging Explicitly Disclosed Location. Information to Understand Tourist Dynamics: A Case Study. Journal of Location Based Services, 2, 1, pp. 41-56, 2008