Ph.D. Friedrich B. PRINZ Finmeccanica Professor and Robert Bosch Chair of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford
1975 | PhD, University of Vienna - Physics (1975) |
Co-Director, Stanford Integrated Machining; Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering and Mechanical Engineering | |
Design and prototyping of micro and nanoscale devices for energy and biology. His group studies transport phenomena across thin oxide layers and lipid bi-layers with the help of Atomic Force Microscopy combined with Impedance Spectroscopy. |
Fuel Cell Fundamentals, Course Reader for ME 260, to be published as textbook | |
Nanoscale Technology Applied to Biological Systems, CRC Press, Publisher, 2004 | |
Electromechanical Nanopatterning of Ag on Solid-State Ionic Conductor RbAg(4)!(5) Using Atomic Force Microscopy, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 85, No. 16, pp. 3552-3554, 2004 | |
Quantitative Impedance Measurement Using Atomic Force Microscopy, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 96, No. 6, pp. 3540-3549, 2004 |
Sir Christopher Hinton Lecture, Royal Academy of Engineering, UK, 1991 | |
Engineer-of-the-Year, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1992 | |
Pittsburgh, PA Section, Austrian Academy of Science, Vienna, Austria, 1997 | |
Literati Club Awards for Excellence, London | |
Most "Outstanding Paper" in the 2001 volume of the Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2002 |