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Dr. Gabriel Nikolaij TOGGENBURG Senior Legal Advisor, FRA - European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Vienna


 Studied law at the University of Innsbruck and gained his LL.M. (Eur.Law) at the Danube University. He holds a Ph.D. from the European University Institute in Florence (EUI)
1998-2008 Senior Researcher at the Institute for Minority Rights (responsible for the area of EU law), European Academy Bolzano/Bozen (EURAC). Initiator of the Bolzano/Bozen Declaration; provided
  expertise to various EU-institutions and NGOs at European level. He also co-initiated the postgraduate Master in European Intergration and Regionalism (MEIR). He has been teaching in this
  and other postgraduate programmes as for instance the Executive M.B.L. in St. Gallen, Switzerland
2008 Visiting Professor, Department of International Studies, University of Miami, USA
2008-2009 Guest Professor, Department of political science, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
since 2009 Programme Manager (Legal Research), Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union, Vienna


Member, Editorial board, European Law Reporter, St. Gallen, Luxembourg
Co-founder, European Diversity and Autonomy Papers (EDAP) and the European Yearbook on Minority Issues, Boston, Leiden


Has published widely in the field of human rights, the protection of minorities, language policy, the topic of European diversity managment and general issues of EU constitutional law:
In Csaba Tabajdi (ed.): Pro Minoritate Europae - Minorities of Europe Unite, 2009
Menschenrechtspolitik 2008, in Weidenfeld/Wessels (eds.), Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2008, Nomos, pp. 177-182, Baden-Baden, 2008
Festung Familie oder Festung Europa? Die kritisierte Weichenstellung des EuGH in der Rechtssache Metock, in European Law Reporter 11, pp. 375-380, 2008
Der Menschenrechts- und Minderheitenschutz in der Europäischen Union, in Werner Weidenfeld (ed.), Die Europäische Union. Politisches System und Politikbereiche(5. ed.), Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, pp. 294-313, 2008
Die ersten Schritte der EU-Grundrechteagentur in Wien, in Volkmar Deile et al. (eds.), Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2009, Böhlau Verlag, pp. 274-285, Wien, 2008