Geoffrey M. HODGSON Research Professor in Business Studies, University of Hertfordshire
1964-1965 | Computer Programmer, STL Research, Harlow, Essex |
1968-1972 | Teacher of Mathematics, Levenshulme High School, Manchester and Audenshaw Grammar School, Thameside |
1974-1981 | Lecturer and Senior Lecturer in Economics, Manchester Metropolitan University (then Manchester Polytechnic) |
1980-1981 | Visiting Professor of Economics, Bennington College, Vermont, USA |
1981-1987 | Principal Lecturer in Economics, University of Northumbria (then Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic) |
1984-1985 | Hallsworth Research Fellow in Political Economy, University of Manchester |
1987-1990 | Reader in Economics, University of Northumbria (then Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic) |
1990-1992 | Professor of Economics, University of Northumbria (formerly Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic) |
1992-1998 | University Lecturer in Economics, University of Cambridge |
1998 | Reader in Institutional and Evolutionary Economics, University of Cambridge |
since 1999 | Research Professor in Business Studies, University of Hertfordshire |
Member of Economic Council, Britain in Europe | |
American Economic Association | |
European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (Founder and Honorary Life Member) | |
Association for Evolutionary Economics (Current President) | |
International Joseph Schumpeter Society |
Economics in the Shadows of Darwin and Marx: Essays on Institutional and Evolutionary Themes, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2006. ISBN-13: 978 1 84542 497 8 (hbk). ISBN-10: 1 84542 497 2 (hbk) | |
The Evolution of Institutional Economics: Agency, Structure and Darwinism in American Institutionalism, Routledge, London, 2004. ISBN 0-415-32252-9 (hbk) 0-415-32253-7 (pbk) | |
How Economics Forgot History: The Problem of Historical Specificity in Social Science, Routledge, London, 2001. ISBN 0-415-25716-6 (hbk) ISBN 0-415-25717-4 (pbk) (Also in Chinese edition.) | |
Evolution and Institutions: On Evolutionary Economics and the Evolution of Economics, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 1999. ISBN 1-85898-813-6 (hbk) ISBN 1-85898-824-1 (pbk) (Also in Chinese edition.) | |
Economics and Utopia: Why the Learning Economy is Not the End of History, Routledge, London, 1999. ISBN 0-415-19685-X (pbk) (Also in Japanese edition.) |
Global Visiting Scholar, Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, USA, 2001 | |
Honorary Life Member, European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy from 2005 | |
Thomas P. Johnson, Distinguised Fellow, Rollins College, Florida, USA, 2005 | |
President, Association for Evolutionary Economics, 2006 | |
Academician of the Academy of Learned Sciences for the Social Sciences |