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Dr. Georg WINCKLER Rector, University of Vienna


 Studies at Princeton University and the University of Vienna
1968 Promotion Dr. rer. pol.
since 1978 Full Professor of Economics, University of Vienna; several appointments as Visiting Professor (i.a. Georgetown University, USA)
since 1999 Rector of the University of Vienna (re-elected 2003 and 2007)
2000-2005 President of the Austrian Rectors' Conference (re-elected 2001 and 2004)
2001-2005 Vice-President and Member of the Board of the European University Association (EUA), Brussels-Geneva
2005-2009 President of the European University Association (EUA), Brussels-Geneva


Member, European Research Area Board (ERAB), European Commission, Brussels, since 2008
Member, PEOPLE Advisory Group, European Commission, Brussels, since 2009


Central and Eastern Europe: Roads to Growth. Conference Volume, International Monetary Fund, 1992 (editor, co-author)
The Advantages of tying Austria s hand: The success of the hard currency strategy, in: European Journal of Political Economy. Vol 11 (1995)
Central Banks and Seigniorage: A Study of Three Economies in Transition, in: European Economic Review, Vol. 40., 1996
Grundzüge der Wirtschaftspolitik Österreichs, 2001 (3. Auflage, Mitherausgeber, Koautor)
The Austrian current account deficit: Driven by twin deficits or by intertemporal expenditure allocation?, in: Empirical Economics, Vol. 27., 2002
Monetary union: European lessons, Latin American prospects, in: North American Journal of Economics and Finance, vol 13 (2002)


Several Dr. h.c.: Vasile Goldis Western University Arad, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj und Mykolas Romeris University Vilnius