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Georges DASSIS President, EESC - European Economic and Social Committee, Brussels


 Trade-union activist in Greece from the age of 15
1967-1974 Activist against the colonels' regime in Greece
1976-1980 Permanent member of the national staff of the Belgian General Federation of Labour (FGTB)
since 1981 Representative of the Greek General Confederation of Labour (GSEE) to the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), to the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC, formerly ICFTU) and to the International Labour Office (ILO)
since 1982 Member of the Executive Committee of the ETUC
1981-1990 Member of the EESC from 1981 to 1990 and from 2002
1986-1990 President of the regional section of the EESC
1990 Founder member of the Labour Institute of the GSEE (1990) and secretary for international relations
2004-2008 President of the ECO section of the EESC
2008-2015 President of the Workers' Group of the EESC
2015-2018 President of the EESC