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Mag. Dr. Gerda FALKNER Professor of Political Science, Department of Government, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Vienna; Director, Institute for European Integration Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna


 Gerda Falkner studied political science at the University of Vienna; post-graduate degree in European integration at the College of Europe, Bruges/Belgium; post-doc research in England 1994/95; research group director at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne 1998-2003; dissertation (1992) on EU decision-making published by Europa Union Verlag, and professorial thesis (1998) on EU social policy and corporatism published by Routledge, UK; assistant professor (1992-98) and associate professor (since 1998) at the Institute of Government, University of Vienna. Gerda Falkner serves as a link between academia inside and outside the university: From 2002 to August 2008 she was Head of the Department of Political Science at the Institute for Advanced Studies. Since 2008 she has also been Director of the Institute for European Integration Research at the Austrian Academy of Sciences


Member of the Research Council, European University Institute, Florence
Board Member, Social Science Research Centre Berlin (WZB)
Member of Board of Directors, Institute for European Politics (IEP), Berlin
Vice President, European Union Studies Association Austria


Gerda Falkner, Oliver Treib: Three Worlds of Compliance or Four? The EU15 Compared to New Member States. Journal of Common Market Studies Vol. 46, No. 2, 2008
Compliance in the Enlarged European Union: Living Rights or Dead Letters? Aldershot et al., Ashgate, 2008 (with Oliver Treib, Elisabeth Holzleithner)
Bargaining and Lobbying in EU Social Policy, in: Jeremy J. Richardson and David Coen (eds.), Lobbying in the European Union, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009 (with Oliver Treib)
Problems of Operationalization and Data in EU Compliance Research. European Union Politics, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2009 (with Miriam Hartlapp)
Compliance in the Enlarged European Union: Living Rights or Dead Letters? Aldershot et al., Ashgate, 2008 (with Treib, Oliver; Holzleithner, Elisabeth)
Complying with Europe. EU Harmonisation and Soft Law in the Member States. Cambridge / UK, Cambridge University Press, 2005 (with Treib, Oliver; Hartlapp, Miriam; Leiber, Simone)
Falkner, Gerda (ed.): The EU's Decision Traps. Comparing EU Policies; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011