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Dr. Gerhard LAUER Professor, Department of German Philology, University of Göttingen


1989 M.A., German Studies, Philosophy, Musicology, Jewish studies, University of Munich
1992 Dr.phil., German Studies, Philosophy, German as a Foreign Language, University of Munich
2000 Dr.phil.habil., German studies, University of Munich
1992-2002 Assistant Professor, German studies, University of Munich
since 2002 Chair, German studies, University of Göttingen


Chairman, Anneliese Maier Award Committee, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Chairman, Scientific Advisory Board, DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service
Chairman, Scientific Advisory Board, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for the History and Theory of Biography
Member of the International Association for the Empirical study of Literature and Media


Zhang, Y., & Lauer, G. (2015). How Culture Shapes the Reading of Fairy Tales: A Cross-Cultural Approach. Comparative Literature Studies 52, 4, 663-681
Riese, K., Bayer, M., Lauer, G., Schacht, A. (2014). In the eye of the recipient. Pupillary responses to suspense in literary classics. The Scientific Study of Literature 4, 2, 211-232
Jannidis, F. & Lauer, G. (2014). Burrows s Delta and Its Use in German Literary History. Erlin, M. & Tatlock, L. (Eds.). Distant Readings. Topologies of German Culture in the Long Nineteenth Century. Rochester, New York, 29-54
Lauer, G. (2013). Die Vermessung der Kultur. Geisteswissenschaften als Digital Humanities. Geiselberger, H., & Moorstedt, T. (Eds.). Big Data. Das neue Versprechen der Allwissenheit. Berlin, 99-116


Prize for the best "second book", University of Munich (2000)
Elected member of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities (2008)
Max Kade honory guest professor, Washington University in St. Louis (2012)
Research fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study, Durham University (2015)