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Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Gernot PLANK Assistenzprofessor, Institut für Physiologie, Medizinische Universität Graz


2000-2002 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Technical University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
2002-2003 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Calgary, AB, Canada
2003-2006 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Biophysics, Medical University Graz; 09/06-10/06: University Assistant
2006-2007 Visiting Faculty, Institute for Computational Medicine, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
since 2009 Academic Fellow, University of Oxford (75% FTE), Computational Biology Group, Oxford Computing Laboratory and Oxford eResearch Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Assistant Professor, Medical University of Graz (25% FTE), Institute of Physiology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria


Österreichische Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik


Plank G., L.J. Leon, S. Kimber, E.J. Vigmond, Deûbrillation depends on conductivity ûuctuations and the degree of disorganization in reentry patterns., J. Cardiovasc. Electrophysiol., 16(2):205-216, 2005
Hofer, E., F. Kepplinger, T. Thurner, T. Wiener, and G. Plank. A novel ûoating sensor array to detect electric nearûelds of beating heart preparations., Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 21(12), 2232-2239, 2006
Plank, G., M. Liebmann, R. Weber dos Santos, E. Vigmond and G. Haase. Algebraic Multigrid Preconditioner for the Cardiac Bidomain Model, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 54(4):585-596, 2007
G. Plank, J. Greenstein, L. Zhou, S. Cortassa, R. Winslow, B. ORourke, and N. Trayanova. From mitochondtrial ionic channels to arrhythmias in the heart: Computational techniques to bridge the spatio-temporal scales. Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci. 366(1879):3381-409, 2008
Vigmond, E.J., R. Weber dos Santos, S. Bauer, A.J. Prassl, M. Deo, G. Plank. Solvers for the Cardiac Bidomain Equations, Prog. Biophys. Mol. Biol., Focused Issue Cardiovascular Physiome, 96(1-3):3-18, 2008
G. Plank, A.J. Prassl, E. Hofer and N.A. Trayanova. Evaluating Intramural Virtual Electrodes in the Myocardial Wedge Preparation: Simulations of Experimental Conditions, Biophys.J., 94:1904-1915, 2008
Plank, G., R.A.B. Burton, P. Hales, M. Bishop, T. Mansoori, M. Bernabeu, A. Garny, A.J. Prassl, C. Bollensdorff, F. Mason, F. Mahmood, B. Rodriguez, V. Grau, J.E. Schneider, D. Gavaghan, P. Kohl. Generation of histo- anatomically representative models of the individual heart: tools and application. Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci., 2009
Morgan, S., G. Plank, I.V. Biktasheva, V.N. Biktashev Feedback Control of Resonant Drift in a Bidomain Model. Biophys.J., 96(4):1364-1372, 2009
A. Prassl, F. Kickinger, H. Ahammer, E. Hofer, J.E. Schneider, E.J. Vigmond, N.A. Trayanova, G. Plank Automatically generated, anatomically accurate Meshes for the Cardiac Bidomain Equations., IEEE-TBME, 2009


Stefan-Schuy-Award of the Austrian Society of Biomedical Engineering (2001)
Main Award of the Madrid Arrhythmia Meeting (2001)
"Cum Laude Poster Award" of the SPIE Conference on Medical Imaging as co-author (2008)
Stefan-Schuy-Award of the Austrian Society of Biomedical Engineering (2008)
1st Prize in the Gordon Research Conference poster competition, tissue level category (2009)