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Dr. Gianpietro MAZZOLENI Professor, Department of Social and Political Studies, University of Milan


 Professor of Sociology of Communication and of Political Communication at the University of Milan. He is Post-Graduate Coordinator of the MSc Program in Public & Corporate Communication.
1969 Received his BA in Sociology from St Anselm College, Manchester, N.H.
1974 Doctorate from the University of Rome-La Sapienza
1988-2001 Associate Professor, he has taught communication at the Universities of Salerno and Genoa
2000 Visiting Professor of Political Communication at the University of Innsbruck
2006 Visiting Professor at George Mason University, Fairfax, V.A.
2007 Visiting Professor at the University of South Australia, Adelaide
 In the last twenty-five years he was also visiting scholar at the Annenberg School for Communication (Philadephia), the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Sciences Po (Paris), the Institute of Political Sciences of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, the Centre for Communication Research and Development of the University of Southern Queensland (Australia)
 He is co-founder and editor of the refereed journal Comunicazione Politica (www.com-pol.it), published by Franco Angeli (Milan). He serves also in the editorial boards of the European Journal of Communication (Sage) and of Political Communication (Taylor & Francis), and is editor of the book series in Political Communication of Hampton Press (www.hamptonpress.org).
 His main research interests are in the areas of mass communication, media policy and political communication. He has been member and coordinator of several international teams working on comparative research projects in the above areas.


He served as chair of the Euromedia Research Group from 1998 to 2004, and chair of the political communication division (2004-2006) of the ICA (International Communication Association), where he served as program planner for the annual conferences of the division in New Orleans (2004) and New York (2005). He is also regular member of the APSA (American Political Science Association) and ECReA (European Communication Research Association).
He is also vice-chair of the Management Committee of COST ACTION A30: 'East of West', funded by the European Science Foundation for the years 2005-2009 (www.cmcs.ceu.hu)


The Media and Neo-Populism. A Comparative Perspective (ed. with J. Stewart & B. Horsfield), Praeger, Westport, Conn, 2003
La comunicazione politica, 2nd ed., Il Mulino, Bologna, 2004
The Politics of Representation: Election Campaigning and Proportional Representation (with J. Roper & C. Holtz-Bacha), Peter Lang, New York, 2004
TV Political Advertising in Italy. When Politicians are Afraid, in L. Kaid & C. Holtz-Bacha (eds.) Political Advertising in Western Democracies: Parties and Candidates on Television. pp. 241-257. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 2008
Populism and the media. In D. Albertazzi, & D. McDonnell (eds.), Twenty-first century populism - The spectre of Western European democracy, pp. 49-64 London: Palgrave, 2008


St Vincent s Award for the best book in political communication, 1992