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B.A, PhD Grahame LOCK Professor of political theory and philosophy at Nijmegen and Leiden Universities, Faculty Fellow in European Philosophy at Oxford University


 Study at University College London, King´s College Cambridge, Ecole Normale Superieure, rue d´Ulm, Paris
since 1974 University Lecturer, subsequently professor at Leiden University (Netherlands)
  University professor at Nijmegen University (Netherlands)
 Academic coordinator, Leiden-Oxford programme on Europe


La division du travail scientifique et la philosophie européenne, Association Diderot/Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1995
Philosophies of Europe: a brief survey of the pre-history and history of the European idea, Trento, 1996
Dogma, Heresy and Voluntary Servitude: from the Second Millennium to the Third, Lisboa, 2001
Oikoumenes promachoi. Inaugural lecture as professor of political philosophy in connexion with European legal culture, Leiden University, 2003


Honorary Professor, Universidade Lusofana, Lisbon