Guan Zhe CHEN Country Director Ethiopia, The World Bank, Washington, DC
1990 | /1991 Instructor, Harvard Extension School, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. |
1992-1993 | Young Professional, Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines |
1993-1997 | Project Economist, Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines |
1997-2001 | Sr. Transport Economist/Program Leader, Infrastructure Sector Unit, South Asia Region, the World Bank, Washington DC, USA |
2001-2008 | Sector Manager, Transport, South Asia Region, the World Bank, Washington DC, USA |
2008-2011 | Sector Manager, Urban, Water Supply, and Disaster Management, Latin American and Caribbean Region, the World Bank, Washington DC, USA |
since 2011 | Country Director for Ethiopia, Africa Region, the World Bank, based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
International Road Ferdation | |
International Water Association | |
World Urban Forum | |
Associacion Latinoamericana De Operadores de Agua y Sanemiento (ALOAS) |
World Bank, May 2006 | |
Highway and Railway Development in India and China, 1992-2002 |
Harvard-Yenching Fellowship (1987-1990) |